Friday, October 26, 2007

CMT (Country Music Television)

Sucks. Oh yes. And so do all the rednecks on it and that listen to it. Country music sucks in general.

So I recently saw a "music" video on CMT, not because I wanted to, but because it was just what my uncle put on the T.V. because there were whores shaking their asses.

I've been noticing a trend in country music, and it's been increasing a lot. A very... hypocritical trend... Where rednecks used to make fun of blacks for their music and lyrics about whores, asses, tits, pussy, sex, how huge their cock is, drugs, all that shit, now country music stars are making the same kind of music! No no, not rap/hip-hop. The lyrics! Now THEY "sing" about all that shit. Way to go, fucking rednecks. Fuck you hypocrites.

But enough dissing on solely the rednecks and the music makers. Now to diss on CMT. Fuck you. Mostly you out of everybody else. I can't believe you who stand by your "countryness" so much, would put that shit on there. That's not country. Country is when you sing about homosexuality and how much of a pussy you are. Yes, like emo, just a different kind of bad sounding music.

Fuck country music. Fuck CMT. Fuck hypocritical rednecks.

Oh and one more thing, I've had a lot of friends who claim to be "hardcore rednecks", who claim to "hate niggers" and all that bullshit, but when you see them at dances, you see them dancing to rap/hip-hop and shaking their asses and getting dirty.

Fucking hypocrites.

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