Friday, October 26, 2007

Tila Tequila

Now has her own show. Wow. I honestly can't believe this. When I saw it on MTV, I was truely and geniuinly surprised.

Before MySpace, barely anybody knew who this whore was. Oh sure, she was somewhat "known" (I wont even say popular), for modeling and such, but that's pretty much it. This bitch used MySpace to her advantage, and went from being known, to being FAMOUS. Instant-Celeb.

How can this be?! I mean, I know people have become famous from the internet. It ranges from anywhere to just being widely known on the internet and not talked about IRL, to being talked about IRL, to actually having IRL interviews on shows and stuff. But Tila Tequila having her own show on one of the most famous networks in the world?! Ridiculous. She's not even that attractive!

So what is her show about? Oh it's just another one of those shows where a person wants to find "love" (bullshit), but with a TWIST! It turns out Ms. MySpace Whore is BISEXUAL! So there are both women AND men competing for her! Completely ridiculous.

Not only do I HIGHLY... no... VERY HIGHLY, doubt that she really is bisexual, and this is more of a plot twist that she's being forced to do just for the show, but if you've seen the show, it's stupid, boring, and annoying. Oh god. Annoying. The lesbians honestly have to be the WORST part of the show other than Tila herself.

The lesbians act all cocky (no pun intended) and high and mighty like they're all that and a bag of chips. Not really! Actually most of the lesbians on the show are anywhere from ugly, to "just cute". And maybe 1 or 2 "hot" chicks.

But the thing that go tto me the most about these insufferable dykes, is that they were dissing on the men about how "moronic" they were acting. And one even went so far as to say "this is why I'm a lesbian". WHAT?! WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THIS?! I nearly puked on the bed when I heard that. I wanted to just instaly teleport in front of the bitch and deliver the hardest punch that has ever been felt and/or seen. I wanted to absolutely destroy her fucking face just for saying something as ignorant as that.

The dykes act like they're so smart and like they'll stick together and win Tila Tequila's heart and blah blah blah blah. If you heard the shit they say, it is some of the stupid most ignorant shit you'll probably ever hear. If you hear the things that the guys say, hey, it's just typical guy talk, nothing out of the oridinary, nothing nobody has heard. But the lesbians FREAK the fuck out when a guy just GLANCES at them. I almost DIED watching this show from the extreme anger that was building up inside of me.

In short: Tila Tequila is an ugly, fake bisexual, MySpace whore - Men will always be men, and that's perfectly fine - Lesbians have got to be some of the WORST human beings on this planet since they say the most ignorant things you'll ever hear in your life.

I HAD a lot more to rant about, but it's been awhile since I saw the show and I can't remember everything I wanted to rant about now, but there was a lot more.

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