Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I don't care what everybody else says, 'Safari' (by Apple) is THE fastest web-browser there is.

Let me break it down for you.

If you want speed, go with Safari.
If you want customization, go with FireFox.
If you want compatibility, go with Internet Explorer.

Other good web-browsers: Opera, Avant

Fuck FireFox.  I don't need all that useless fancy shit on a web-browser.  I like my stuff to be sleek and sexy and out of the way.  FireFox is in-your-face and bulky with all that gay add-on shit that makes FF so popular.

The only thing that I'd really use Internet Explorer for, is how it's compatible with every website on the internet + websites content (activex controls, etc) and because it's actually still faster than FireFox.

Yes.  I said it.  IE is faster than FF.  Fuck you FF fags.  I've used IE, FF, Opera, and Safari.  In terms of speed: Safari > Opera > Internet Explorer > FireFox

FireFox is a slow piece of fat where as Internet Explorer is a man in average shape still able to kick it's ass.

Basically:  Get Safari you fuckers.  It's fast as fuck.  The only thing it needs is everything IE is able to do.  Then it'd be fast as fuck and compatible with everything on the net.

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